Quotes from TEIAA

This is the Quotes From TEIAA category.

Quotes from “The Electric Information Age Album” (TEIAA) by The Masses, an audio extension to “The Electric Information Age Book” (TEIAB) in the spirit of the “The Medium is the Massage” LP. More info via Inventory Press.

The wheel …is an extension of the foot.

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 46

{The book} is an extension of the eye…

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 368

Clothing, [is] an extension of the skin…

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 129

Electric circuitry, [the medium of our time, is] an extension of the central nervous system.”

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 3

“[Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions.] The extension of any one sense [displaces the other senses and] alters the way we think and act—the way we perceive the world. [The way we perceive our own bodies.]”

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 69

men change.

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Address at Vision 65” , p. 9 and “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 98

“Now, what then?”

— Marshall McLuhan

“There’ll probably be some music, but we’ll manage to find a quiet corner where we can talk.”

— Erik Satie, quoted in “Silence: Lectures and Writings” by John Cage