Quotes from the website

This is the Quotes From The Website category.

All quotes by Marshall McLuhan and others from “The Medium is the Massage” (the lecture, the book, the film, the magazine and/or the record, single and remix).

“If I don’t smoke, someone else will…”

— Erik Satie quoted in “Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)” by John Cage

“[Printing] created the portable book, which men could read in privacy and in isolation from others. Man could now inspire—and conspire.”

— Marshall McLuhan

“Advertisements are all good; the news is all bad.”

— Marshall McLuhan, see “Address at Vision 65” , p. 8

“The art of the speaker consists in compressing all of his aims into slogans.”

— Elias Canetti, “Crowds and Power”

Develop A

— advertisement by “Memory Studies”

“Often we do not know what we think till a question is put to us.”

— Elias Canetti, “Crowds and Power”

“You is feeling like you was lost in the bush, boy?”

— James Joyce, “Finnigans Wake”

“Speak that I may see you.”

— Marshall McLuhan, “Counterblast” (1954)

History as she is harped.

— Harry Levin, “James Joyce” (“The Atlantic” #178) and “Explorations” #8 by Marshall McLuhan

“My education was of the most ordinary description, consisting of little more than the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic at a common day school. My hours out of school were passed at home and in the streets.”

— Michael Faraday, quoted in “The Life and Letters of Faraday” by Bence Jones

“Where is A, it precedes B, and B follows A, and precedes C.”

— Bertrand Russell, “The Prinicple of Individuation” in “Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits”

“Ok now, once more with more expression.”

“A fact of interplay.”

— Marshall McLuhan

“The magic of strangers who live far off is greatly dreaded.”

— Elias Canetti, “Crowds and Power”

“We are reentering the old tribal world. But this time we’re going to go through the tribal dance on the tribal dream wide awake.”

— Marshall McLuhan

“Four P.M. throughout the world. Whether we like it or not…”

— Buckminster Fuller, quoted in “Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)” by John Cage

“We don’t know who discovered water, but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t the fish.”

— John Culkin, quoted by Howard Gossage in “Ramparts Magazine”, April 1966, p. 37

“Silence is the unintended sounds of our environment.”

— John Cage, derived from Calvin Tomkins in “The Bride and the Bachelors” and referred to in “Address at Vision 65” , p. 7

“I must have been delirious, for I even sought amusement in speculating upon the relative velocities of their several descents towards the foam below.”

— Edgar Allen Poe, “A Descent into the Maelstrom” as quoted in “The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man”, p. v

It is the business of the future to be dangerous.

— A.N. Whitehead, “Science and the Modern World”

“Marshall McLuhan”, “Marshall McLuhan.”

— parrot

“Cool” means identification with the creative process.”

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 24

“Environments are invisible. Their groundrules, pervasive structure, and overall patterns elude easy perception.”

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 8

Man was given an eye for an ear.

— Marshall McLuhan, “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man”, p. 26

Electric circuitry, [the medium of our time, is] an extension of the central nervous system.”

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 3

“Uh, professor McLuhan”

“Professionalism is environmental. Amateurism is anti-environmental.”

— Marshall McLuhan

men change.

— Marshall McLuhan, see also “Address at Vision 65” , p. 9 and “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 98

“This last week was like a total breakdown.”

— Franz Kafka, “Diaries”

“I do believe it. I really believe it.”

— discussion in the serie ‘Word Count’ on WBAI-FM with John Culkin and Quentin Fiore. Moderator: Samuel Blazer.

“Who are you, are you good enough to eat?”

— Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

“The old civic, state, and national groupings have become unworkable.”

— Marshall McLuhan

“[It’s a little bit like] the Balinese have a saying [/who say]: We have no art. We do everything as well as [possible/] we can.

— Marshall McLuhan, see “Understanding Media: The Extensions Of Man”, p. 73

“David Ogilvy, the advertiser, tends to begin all of his memos with …”

— discussion in the serie ‘Word Count’ on WBAI-FM with John Culkin and Quentin Fiore. Moderator: Samuel Blazer.

“I’m leaving.…”

“We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us…”

— John Culkin, “A Schoolman’s Guide to Marshall McLuhan” (The Saturday Review)